Tattoo Removal - Pre and Post Treatment


Please make sure to have the following supplies on hand: Sterile gauze, medical tape, antibiotic ointment, hydrating topical, and SPF 30+

Avoid alcohol for 48 hours before treatment – alcohol use may increase the risk of bruising

Avoid excessive caffeine intake (coffee, tea, energy drinks, pre-workout supplements etc) to reduce risk of discomfort

You can take Tylenol prior to treatment if needed, avoid ibuprofen and naproxen as they will increase risk of bruising

Do not tan the area for 4-6 weeks before starting treatment, and do not attend your appointment with self-tanner on the area

It is not recommended to have this treatment while taking a photosensitizing medication, please inform your technician of any medications which may be photosensitizing – if you are not sure about your medication, you can check with your doctor or a pharmacist.


Post Treatment:

For larger tattoos or tattoos with solid patches of ink, please plan after your treatment to remove the gauze and expose the treated area to the air in a clean environment. This will help to prevent heat reactions in the skin.

Avoid contact with water – the day of treatment, shower with gentle soap.

Swelling, redness, bruising and tenderness are all common reactions after treatment and are part of the natural healing process. There is a small risk of blistering or bleeding after treatment, if this occurs protect the treated area with sterile gauze, apply antibiotic ointment and do not submerge treated area in water for 2 weeks or until the skin resolves – this includes baths, swimming pools, hot tubs, lakes, rivers, etc. Your skin could develop a reaction or infection from possible chemicals and bacteria in the water, especially in lakes and rivers


Change the gauze and reapply the antibiotic ointment every 12 hours until the skin visually resolves. Do not pop any blisters and never forcefully scrub, scratch, or pick at the treated area.

It’s important to recognize the normal after effects of a treatment versus an infection. An infected area will have increasing redness and pain, and can have pus-like discharge. If you have an infection you will notice a discharge coming from a deep lesion within the skin. This lesion will not get better without medical attention – if you suspect you have an infection contact a medical professional immediately.

It's normal to have an “itchy” stage after treatment, using the suggested balm/cream will help to reduce irritation.

Once the skin has visually resolved, wear sunblock with an SPF 30 or above on the treated area between treatments, and for 4 weeks after the last treatment. You can also massage the area after healing, for 5-10 minutes with small and large clockwise movements to encourage ink absorption. Drinking lots of water and exercise, can also improve circulation and enhance results.


Remember – not all tattoos will clear 100%, it is possible that significant fading will be the best that can be achieved