Pro-Derm Gentle Cleanser

Specially Formulated To Maximize The Results Of All Pro-Derm Products
Manufacturer: Pro-Derm

Soaps and most cleansers are alkaline and irritate the skin. Because of their alkalinity, soaps partially neutralize the action of Glycolic Acid (AHA). Pro-Derm™ Gentle Cleanser with an optimal acid pH (pH 4.5) is specially formulated to maximize the results of all Pro-Derm™ products. In addition to protecting skin integrity, it is soothing. It gently cleans the skin and completely rinses off with water, leaving no residue behind.


Soaps and most cleansers are alkaline and irritate the skin. Because of their alkalinity, soaps partially neutralize the action of Glycolic Acid (AHA). Pro-Derm™ Gentle Cleanser with an optimal acid pH (pH 4.5) is specially formulated to maximize the results of all Pro-Derm™ products. In addition to protecting skin integrity, it is soothing. It gently cleans the skin and completely rinses off with water, leaving no residue behind.